Kitchen Garden
The new kitchen garden was designed and built on the site of its tired and decaying predecessor. The client was adamant that they wanted to reuse as much of the wood and material as possible, with the exception of the rather worn out old greenhouse. A new greenhouse was built to the left of the previous one that had been under the shade of a large mature yew tree. Four new raised beds of a manageable size were installed and the salvageable wood from the old wooden beds were used to line the borders of the new flower beds hemming in the space and planted with rare varieties of espaliered apples, and fanned plums and apricots along with pollinator friendly perennials and bulbs, ensuring the space hummed softly with the sound of buzzing insects. The base of the old greenhouse was retained and used as a new seating area surrounded by a new herb garden, whose flowing planting design was given a semblance of order and structure by Irish Yews planted at all four corners. This was a pleasure to design and build and one that I always like to come back to, and will again this coming Summer, to see how it has developed.
Click on the images below for a closer look at the before and after pictures along with further information.