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Nature Garden for Kids

A standard suburban back yard with a huge lawn and not much else, I was tasked with creating and building a garden that would not only be low maintenance and have areas where the clients could entertain guests but also to be an area where they could teach their kids about nature and the surrounding wildlife. The lawn was reduced and rejuvenated, a large curved decking was added to the top left of the garden whilst a lighted area on the opposite side was designed for an outdoor dining table. The area was surrounded with local gravel and a pond and seating area were created around a fire pit. All the plants were carefully chosen not only to be hardy and low maintenance but wildlife friendly and crucially dog and kid safe. I wasn't too good at taking pictures for this one (only myself and its proximity to a Crossfit Open gym are to blame for this) but I'll be back in the Summer to take non-blurred pictures and, this time leave myself plenty of time to head to the CrossFit class.

Click on the images below for a closer look at the before and after pictures along with further information.

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