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Side Garden

An intriguing build in an unusual space. The client wanted a patio throughout much of their garden after their recent extension, but due to the unusual shape of their garden this left a space to soften the hardscape. The side garden is directly adjacent to the entrance used most frequently by the client who wanted a cottage garden with a contemporary feel to match the new extension that also offered a degree of privacy. The existing topsoil was very thin to say the least so more was added before we added a row of large Portuguese Laurels to line the space between the clients car park and the garden beyond. These laurels are in my opinion much the superior when compared to the most commonly used Cherry Laurel. Not only do they look far more sophisticated they offer evergreen cover and are much more hardier than their Cherry Laurel cousins. A slightly rectangular lawn was added made up of shade tolerant grass and surrounded by a mass of cottage garden style plants with a contemporary twist such as Sanguisorba 'Red Thunder', Alcea rugosa, and Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Promise' amongst others, and Clematis and Honeysuckle, a Rambling Rose to climb up the walls.

Click on the images below for a closer look at the before and after pictures along with further information.

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